Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Five Ways to Prevent1 Ragweed Alllergy

These are five ways to limit your exposures to ragweed.

1. Keep the Windows and Doors Closed

Close the doors and windows in the house, and drive with windows up during a travel until the end of ragweed season at the beginning of November, depending on your location. Adjust air conditioning so you don't have to open the windows and let tagweed pollen in.

2. Remove Ragweed From Your Home

Ask other people to cut down the ragweed around your home so that you're not quickly hit by the ragweed pollen when you venture beyond the house door.

3. Avoid places Where Ragweed Grows

The edge of forest, alongside roads, unoccupied lots, even the lawn are good locations for ragweed. So don't walk where ragweed usually increases. That being said, autumn is a colorful seasons, and it would be pity not to walk and relish the colors, get a HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) mask Every time you go to locations recognized to have plenty of ragweed. The masks can be purchased from the nearest hardware stores. You can look a bit peculiar, but you will feel good after a good walk.

4. Wash Away Pollen From Everything

After going outdoors, you have to be sure to wash your skin and clother you are wearing quickly and take a good shower to clean up pollen from the skin and hair to prevent it causing allergy.

5. Get an Air Filter

Since it's difficult to stave off ragweed entirely, a few pollen can get in when you open the windows, or will bind to your clothes as you go outdoor. Using a HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) air purifier can mean that ragweed pollen that somehow can get inside the house will be continuously filtrated of the indoor air before causing cough, sneeze or runny nose. Designed to be effective around the clock, the air purifier should eradicate the causes of the problem instead of waiting to deal with the symptoms.

How Ragweed can Cause Allergy?

Ragweed allergies are caused by ragweed pollen in the air that you breathe. Ragweed pollen present many problems including sneezing, coughing watery eyes and watery eyes and in many people affected can feel very miserable. These symptoms are a lot like a typical cold and are difficult to separate.
Your physical structure reacts to ragweed pollen through its immune system. Your immune system creates antibodies to repel the allergic reaction, however for someone who is hypersensitive to ragweed polleb, the effects are more terrible. People who aren't allergic, will tolerate ragweed pollen. Often older individuals will get allergies because of their weak immune system.
Specific seasons of the year like August through October,is when ragweed and other kinds of weed pollens are very high. Thus, summer through autumn is the moment when allergy patients are attacked by the troublesome ragweed pollens in the air.
The region or country of your home is important, as ragweed pollen is produced differently, based on their geographic positions. Also, ragweed allergies might be get worse in certain seasons than other seasons, that means you will be allergic to a specific pollutants and but not all of them. The doctor will examine you to determine what you're allergic to and by understanding it, you'll be able to reduce the pollutants that currently annoy you.
Ragweed pollen is surely a nasty thing, it can easily spread in the air for hundreds of miles. So although you want to cover yourself by removing nearby ragweeds, the pollen may reach you with the wind.
You can find a lot of drugs, both over-the-counter and prescription, to ease the signs of ragweed allergy. In recent years, saline solution for nasal washes is believed to works best in treating the allergy symptoms. It's the soft nasal wash that can bring fast-acting relief for sneezing, coughing, watery eyes and runny nose. It's cheap and can be bought nonprescription at pharmacies.

Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

How to Avoid Ragweed Allergy?

There's no remedy for ragweed allergy. The most dependable effort is to prevent any contact with the ragweed pollen. It is hard when considering the quantity of ragweed pollen at the outside throughout pollination period.

  • Monitor the pollen quantity at the local area. The news media frequently covers the count, particularly during high pollen period. You also may contact the National Allergy Bureau contact them from the www.aaaai.org. It may provide you the pollen quantity at your area. Or go to www.Pollen.com to determine the pollen quantity in your area.
  • Remain inside the house and use air conditioning with a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter extension if the pollen quantity is high. It may eliminate pollen from the interior air.
  • Escape the pollen wherever conceivable. Individuals in the Midwestern and Eastern states should acquire a few recovery by moving west of the Rocky Mountains. Visiting beach or overseas during late summer may significantly bring down vulnerability. But ascertain the area overseas you seek to visit. That place can have a ragweed season as well.

Ragweed Allergy FAQ

Who suffers ragweed allergy?

Of U.S. citizens who have allergy to pollen-producing plants, seventy-five percent are allergic on ragweed. Individuals with allergic reaction to a kind of pollen tend to establish allergies to many other pollens also.

Individuals with ragweed allergy can develop symptoms whenever they consume cantaloupe or banana. sunflower seeds , chamomile tea, or honey incorporating pollen obtained from Compositae family members sometimes bring chronic responses, includes shock.

What is the symptom?

The allergy to the entire plants that bring forth pollen is frequently called as hay fever. Symptoms are sneezing, , stuffy nose, puffy eyes, eye irritation, runny nose, and inflamed, throat and itchy nose. For people with chronic allergies, bronchial asthma, severe sinusitis, cephalalgias and bad sleep are symptoms.

How allergy is diagnosed?
To describe the allergy or ragweed or also its relatives, necessitates a cautious medical record, a physical examination and screening. The principal method to affirm a potential allergy is by using the skin sensibility examination.

At this test, your skin is pricked or scratched with ragweed pollen extract . In highly sensitive individuals, the place will become crimson, puffy and itchy. Occasionally blood examinations are used to assure if an antibody to ragweed is available. It is occasionally it takes, but it may takes more time for treating at a research laboratory and it's costlier.

What is ragweed allergy?

The task of immune cells mechanism is to catch alien organisms like bacteria and viruses and eliminate them. Generally, this reaction defends us from life-threatening health problems. Individuals with allergy reaction have particularly highly sensitive immune mechanisms that respond when it meet a specific harmless matters known as allergens. If individuals who are hypersensitised to ragweed pollen breathe in the allergens from air, symptoms will develop.

17 species or kinds of ragweed available in North America. Ragweed also lies within a bigger family known as Compositae. Different members of this family that circularize pollen by wind may produce some symptoms. They are burweed marsh elder, sage, and rabbit brush. A few family members circularize the pollen by insects instead of wind, and bring some allergy reactions. And sniffing those plants may induce symptoms.